Tag: Airport Car Park


Landing the line markings at Belfast City Airport.

19th December 2018by galinar84News

Belfast City Airport urgently needed line markings in one of their multi-story car parks. So of course, they booked Riggotts.
They knew we were just the ticket for quality line markings, delivered efficiently. We have got the logistics in place to transport our specialist equipment to wherever it’s needed, so we can be sure that our high standards always travel with us.
To ensure maximum efficiency on this project, we worked with Kestrel Thermoplastics Ireland. In total, the project included 6231 metres of line marking, 1562 metres of hatching, 69 disabled logos, 90 letters, 81 arrows and several give way junctions. Everything needed to be sure vehicles can move safely around the airport car park – wherever they’re headed to.
Special Needs Bay Line Markings
Electric Charging Bay Line Marking - Completed
Riggotts Line Marking

Service brochure